Thursday, November 27, 2014

The 6 Omens of Taipei 1.0

On 15 May 2014, my friends Gael and Celine, and I booked a cheap flight to Taipei for 21 November 2014. I was so excited that although the Taiwan visa application only takes 3 days, I applied for mine a month before.

As a woman of science, I don’t believe in things such as luck or signs. But in this case, I think bad luck sounds better than idiocy.

Omen 1: Case of the Colds
A couple of days before our departure, I unnecessarily spent hours packing and repacking for a local business trip and my trip to Taipei, which was back-to-back. I ended up sleeping late and waking up with a scratchy throat. I didn’t get to sleep well for the next couple of days and the night before my Taipei trip was spent in an 11-hour bus ride. On the night of our flight, I already had a runny nose and a headache.

Omen 2:  Can't find a Cab
It was a Friday. It was rush hour.  I had difficulty finding a cab willing to take me to the airport. It took me 30 minutes before I finally found a cab driver who would take me there—but he wanted a flat rate of 300PHP. I asked the driver to run the meter anyway. Traffic was relatively light, considering it was Manila Friday Rush Hour. I gave myself an hour and a half to get to the airport. To my surprise I got to the airport in less than 30 minutes. Even the cab driver didn’t argue when I paid him what was on the meter (PHP150). I arrived 4 hours before departure, before the check-in counter was even open.

Omen 3: Forgotten Visa
While we were checking in, Gael remembered that she forgot to print her visa exempt form. We asked the lady from the Cebu Pacific counter if there were printers in the terminal but she just shook her head and said they didn’t have any. But another Cebu Pacific employee told Gael to email him his form and he’d print it for her. So, Gael called her brother and had him fill up the form. It wasn't as easy though. After an hour of connection problems and browser problems, Gael finally got her visa and we finally got our boarding passes.

Omen 4: Immigration Migraine
While Gael and I seamlessly went through immigration, Celine was held up. As a government employee, she needed a travel authority to leave the country. But after about 10 minutes of convincing the immigration officer that she was on vacation and had a return ticket home, she was finally let through.

Omen 5: Kota Kinabalu
30 minutes before our scheduled departure, we calmly started towards gate 103, our boarding gate. We didn't hear any boarding announcement yet so I was assuming it was a few minutes delayed. I remember telling Gael about how my cousin missed his flight to China. When we arrived at gate 103, Gael mentioned that the gate was marked Kota Kinabalu. A part of me wanted to verify if we were indeed in the right boarding area, but I just shrugged it off and we continued with our conversation. *Cough, cough*Stupid, right?

Omen 6: Run! Run! Run!
Although I’m clinically mildly deaf, I could clearly hear boarding announcements from other flights, so I figured I would hear it if our flight was already boarding. We calmly chatted away and at some point, Celine was laughing at a couple of passengers running towards gate 106. (Guess who's laughing later?)

Implication of the Omens:

PHP 3,650. At around 11:00, an acquaintance that was also on the same flight called Celine and told them that we were the only ones left who haven’t boarded. I checked my boarding pass again and to my horror, the boarding gate read gate 106 (I bought a new pair of glasses the next day). There were three of us and none of us heard our flight being called. None of us bothered to check our boarding pass. Stupid, stupid, stupid! We rushed towards the gate but it was no use. The gates were closed. We were about to miss our flight. 10 minutes later, we missed our flight. There goes our PHP 3,600.00.

NTD 1300 / 3 persons. I don’t normally use an airport pick-up service but since we were arriving in the wee hours of the morning, I decided to book a car service (it would cost the same if we were to take a cab). We called the contact in Taiwan who booked us the car service but he said the car service was already on its way to the airport.

NTD 650. Well duh, we have already reserved 3 nights for 3 people in a hostel. We cancelled the rest of our stay right away. Fortunately, each of us was only charged the first night.

Priceless. We've been anticipating for this trip for 6 months. As a national scholar, I had to arduously obtain a travel permit (this is hard to obtain when you’re working and saving your leaves) and I didn't even get to really use it. But worse of all, this trip was going to be Celine’s first travel abroad.

Total Cost of Damages: ~PHP6,000(USD135) per person + a lot of disappointment

I really didn't expect something like this to happen to me. It reminded me of my trip from Bruges to Paris, when everything that could go wrong went wrong. Except this time, we only had ourselves to blame. But oh well, the silver lining to this experience is that we now have a helluva travel blooper to tell—how we missed our flight to Taipei. We also got to experience how to depart from departure area of the airport. LOL. 

We booked a new flight the following day with a new addition to the crew (so we aren't the 3 idiots anymore!) and this time we’ll be more than ready for Taipei 2.0!

Note: We got a full refund of our PHP1,620 travel tax and our PHP550 terminal fee was still valid for our next trip.

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